Start protecting your identity today

Let AOL help with our suite of four industry-leading identity theft protection products.
*To avoid being charged the recurring subscription fee, simply cancel before the free trial period ends – it's just $11.99 a month afterward.

What is ID Protection by AOL?

AOL has partnered with the best in the identity protection business, bundling multiple top-of-the-line services like LifeLock identity theft protection to help provide an all-in-one comprehensive approach to keeping your identity safer.

LastPass logo

Easily store all your passwords in one safe place for instant access—no more forgotten passwords!

LifeLock logo

LifeLock proactively scours over a trillion data points daily.1

MyPrivacy from ReputationDefender logo

Monitors photos, videos, blogs and more for any reference to you and your family.

MyReputation Discovery Edition logo

24-hour monitoring of your address, phone number and more across the web.

1 Network does not cover all transactions.
Man working at laptop

Why AOL?

AOL has been online for over 30 years - we've seen the dangers and know how to help protect you when it comes to your online security.

We strongly believe that in today's world of growing identity threats, one single identity solution isn't enough.

Not just for AOL members, ID Protection by AOL was created to provide comprehensive identity protection for people like you both online and off.

Using the partnerships we have established over the years with industry-leading identity protection experts, we put together a plan that bundles top-of-the-line security and identity theft protection services that goes above and beyond just protecting you from one aspect of identity theft.

ID Protection by AOL works around the clock to help guard your online reputation and secure your usernames, passwords and personal information; all for only $11.99/month, a much lower cost than paying for these services separately or recovering from identity theft.

How you’ll be protected

Identity theft is a growing threat. You may be exposed in more ways than you think.

Credit card fraud

Identity thieves can use your personal information to open new credit card accounts, make fraudulent charges and more.

Vulnerable passwords

When you use the same password across numerous websites, your information becomes more vulnerable to identity thieves.

Identity fraud

Your home address and other personal information from the web can make you a target for identity thieves.

Negative online posts

It’s hard to keep up with what others say and post about you online, with potentially negative comments and reviews that may damage your online reputation.

Solution: LifeLock® Identity Theft Protection monitors for fraudulent credit card applications and false address changes in your name and alerts you by text, phone or email if anything is found

Solution: LastPass Premium creates long, random passwords and keeps track of them, protecting you from hackers

Solution: MyPrivacy© stops people-search sites from exposing your data online, including your address, phone number and birth date

Solution: MyReputation Discovery® conducts a comprehensive search of the deep web to find your personal information and posts all findings on your personalized dashboard

Get ID Protection by AOL today

It’s an all-in-one plan that includes four industry-leading products that work around the clock to help your identity, finances, credit and good name.